wild aussie boys not wearing britney’s panties naked on film

14 aussie footballers were not wearing britney spears panties when they got nude for a beefcake calendar, now you can see it on you-tube. their “making of ” video mash up shows behind the scene footage, images, and a fantastic preview of the calendar. all funds raised got to the brain injury association of queensland

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you can see the main street of monto

i live in monto a small country town in queensland australia. you have probably read the post below about the fullmonto.com project this video will give you a view of the main street.

war of the worlds 2.0

this is a bloody clever clip about the web 2.0 check it out

beefcake calendar on sale thursday

you have probably hear about the fullmonto beefcak calendar see posts below. it goes on sale thursday”

nude calendar preview

if you have been foloowing fullmonto.com, what you have been waiting for has arrived check out this preview of the monto roos nude calendar. don’t forget to donate and when they go on sale buy a calendar. it’s for a mighty cause.